March 2019 Update
In March’s Maipelo clinic we saw 45 children and adults, several of whom were pregnant ladies. We were excited to confirm that one more baby was born HIV negative because of the treatment provided by Cover the Globe.
Many of the people who visited have only recently started HIV treatment. Because Botswana’s free HIV treatment program only covers its citizens, migrants from countries like Zimbabwe often struggle to access and afford their medication. Cover the Globe and Maipelo were founded to serve hundreds of these migrants and otherwise marginalized people living with HIV. While we are able to provide treatment and free medical consultation, we cannot afford lab tests to monitor the ongoing health of the families that we serve.
Our volunteer physicians encourage Maipelo patients to get lab tests done independently, but many of them don’t have the money to pay the lab fees. Even if they can afford the tests, many of these patients are stopped or turned away from the lab facilities because they are not citizens of Botswana.
Thank you again for taking the time to learn about how Cover the Globe is working towards its mission of ensuring that HIV care is available to all. Please consider subscribing to our mailing list to get future updates!