August 2018 Update

We recently had our August Maipelo clinic, with many familiar and new faces stopping by! Thanks to our volunteers across a variety of areas of expertise, we are able to see and provide care to all of these patients. We were particularly excited about getting several people onto HIV treatment for the first time, as well as working to prevent several babies from being born with HIV.

This time around, six (!) pregnant ladies visited the clinic. About half of them are very close to delivery, while a few others aren’t much farther behind. Thanks to generous supporters like you, these women have been on HIV treatment consistently such that the risk of transmitting HIV to their babies is very low. In addition, we also gave them a prescription for medicated syrup to further protect their babies after they are born.

We also saw several new patients who were were able to start on HIV treatment for the first time. One of them, named Daniel, has been living with HIV for six years. Sadly, he had been unable to afford treatment, and his immune system was quite weak when we examined him. His health is also even more important now that his wife is pregnant with their second child, and being sick prevents him from working to support his family. Thankfully, we were able to get him started on treatment, and we will continue to monitor his health going forward.

A woman named Mudiwa also stopped by after she heard about us as part of the “Treat All” campaign on the radio. Mudiwa has also been living with HIV for several years, but has been unable to afford treatment after having her son Munya in 2014. Her immune system was also quite weak when she visited us, but we were able to provide her with the life-saving treatment she needs.

Thank you again for taking the time to learn more about Cover the Globe’s work with Maipelo, and stay posted for more updates! If you would like to subscribe to our mailing list so you can learn more about patients like Mudiwa, fill out the form below!




Laura Cressman